
Video: Banned Sprite Commercial

Some people think that the Sprite commercial has crossed the line. The Sprite commercial has been banned in Germany and probably many countries since it depicts naked interracial man and woman doing what looks like a fellatio.

The Sprite commercial is pretty straight forward. There’s a naked white woman kneeling on the floor before a naked black man, and she is obviously giving the guy an oral sex. They show his face, and he is obviously having a good time. You then see her face, and she thinks to herself something like "Man, I could really go for a Sprite right now." Then you see his face again and he’s at that magical point of no return, and the woman gets hit in the face with a bunch of fizzy Sprite. The banned Sprite commercial ends with a close up shot at her face, her chin covered in white fizz, and she says "I love Sprite."

Watch the banned Sprite commercial video below.

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