
Obama Responds Obama's Mom Jeans Critics

When President Barack Obama threw out the ceremonial first pitch at the major league baseball All-Star Game in St. Louis last week, he was probably more concerned with getting the ball over the plate than with his outfit. Call it a rookie mistake. Obama's baggy jeans were mocked as being "mom jeans." Now, Obama has responded to his "mom jeans" critics.

Obama wears Mom Jeans
Obama wearing Mom Jeans
In an interview on NBC's "Today Show" that mostly covered serious topics, President Obama acknowledged that he "looked a little frumpy" in his baggy jeans. In his defense, Obama said he doesn't like shopping and that "those jeans are comfortable." The President continued, "For people who want a president to look great in tight jeans, I'm sorry." No apology necessary, Mr. President. The thought of our Commander-In-Chief wearing skinny jeans is a terrifying prospect.

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